Saturday, April 11, 2009

The end and the beginning

On this holy Saturday, we wait by the closed and darkened tomb. We dare to believe that, if we hold fast to our faith in Jesus, he will rise up again. We keep our vigil with Christ, just as we have watched and waited with him through the long season of Lent.

My husband made me this card for one of our anniversaries. He wanted to celebrate the truth that committing our lives to each other did not keep us from doing what we wanted, but actually gave us more freedom to express our full selves.

I feel the same way about this Lenten journey. I chose to sacrifice a small piece of my time and my creative energy, turning my attention from work and family long enough to write these posts. Each day, once I found an image or a thought that connected me to God, my spirit settled into a greater peace. This small commitment to my faith helped set my heart free.

Thank you for coming along with me. May God bless you and keep you, this Easter and always.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your lenten blog it was very inspiring. Also Maundy Thursday was the best I ever celebrated.
