Friday, March 19, 2010

A new day

We caught a little bit of the Simpsons the other night. After seeing an ad for a ballet school on TV, Marge turns to Lisa and asks cheerfully, "Did I ever show you my Box of Shattered Dreams? It's upstairs in my Closet of Disappointments."

From the cross, with his dying breath, Jesus says, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." He says this not just for the soldiers or the jeering crowd. He says it for us. He teaches us that his story is not about the people who hurt him and the way his vision of peace was shattered. His story moves forward, accepting what has passed and creating something new.

If one of the kids has a hard day, a preschool teacher we know makes a point of saying goodbye carefully when it's time to go home. She gets down low, looks in the child's eyes, and says, "Today is all done. We'll try again tomorrow." They leave whatever has happened behind and finish the day with a hug or a high-five. Sometimes I think of her as I go to bed, hoping to completely let go of this day and try it all again tomorrow.

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