Friday, March 5, 2010

Whatever you have to do

A wise friend of mine once told me, "Do whatever you have to do to stay centered." He meant that we should take the time we need to care for our spirits, even if it means most of our to-do lists get left undone. We give more to the world when we do a few things peacefully and with love than when we hurry to get everything done and end up anxious and easily irritated.

I only sometimes manage to take my friend's advice. But when I do, I notice the difference right away. The world teaches us that success is getting things done, and that it's OK to be whoever we have to be to get the job done. Faith teaches us to find meaning not in what we do but in who we are: beloved children made in the image of God. God does not call us to complete a set of tasks, no matter how worthy those accomplishments might be. God calls us simply to be who we were created to be, sharing our unique spirits with the world.

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